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Kinetic Chain Patterns for Complicated Knee Conditions Austin, Texas February 22-23, 2025

$ 350.00

Category : Upcoming Seminars

16 CE Hours
February 22-23, 2025

16 CEU

Class Times:

9am-6pm Sat/Sun



TBA - Austin Texas


Integrated Manual Therapy & Orthopedic Massage for Complicated Knee Conditions

After a brief review of Pelvic Stabilization, therapist will learn assessment and clinical reasoning skills to sort out approximately 12 causes of complicated knee pain. We will be sharing cutting edge research on myofascial pain, scar tissue mobilization, trigger points, and joint pain. Modalities used will be functional assessment, posturology, myofascial release, NMT, joint capsule work, myoskeletal alignment, and specific corrective stretching, and strengthening protocols for each clinical condition.  Participants will also be learning our revolutionary technique for releasing complicated hip capsule problems.  After Pelvic Stabilization review, we will address Patella femoral Pain, Patella Tendinosis, Chondromalacia, IT Band Friction Syndrome, Fixated Posterior Fibular Head Pain, Abnormal Knee Rotation, Medial & Lateral Collateral Ligament Sprains, Medial and Lateral Meniscus Tears, ACL & PCL Sprains, Popliteal Pain, Hamstring Strains and Plantaris Strains. The key to this seminar is that all muscle groups that affect the hip and knee will be brought into balance prior to treating the clinical symptoms, and the client will be given custom designed self-care for each specific condition, to eliminate pain forever.   (70% Hands on training- Mats or tables required.)

You MUST USE THE NAME YOU WANT ON YOUR CERTIFICATE WHEN YOU REGISTER classes.  If you use a nickname, pet name, maiden name, or shortened name that is how you will be registered.  If it needs to be changed due to incorrectly registering in the wrong name, there is a $20 fee to re-issue certificates!