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Join us in Seville, Spain for an amazing Spanish Fiesta
May 25-31, 2025, Don't delay!


Our Instructor
James Waslaski personally teaches all courses. Our teaching assistants are certified with our certification program and will be required to update their certification status with additional refresher courses with James. If you would like to be certified to be considered a teaching assistant, a score of 85 or above is required to be met.

13 ONLINE Courses with James Waslaski
2 CEU per course 

Upcoming Seminars

You MUST USE THE NAME YOU WANT ON YOUR CERTIFICATE WHEN YOU REGISTER for classes.  If you use a nickname, pet name, maiden name, shortened name that is how you will be registered.  If it needs to be changed due to incorrectly registering in the wrong name, there is a $20 fee to re-issue certificates!

Course Descriptions are listed at the end of this seminar schedule of classes.  Scroll down for descriptions.


FCPA - Florida - TBA

East West College
Nerve Class - Upper/Lower Body
Contact Sandee -  503-233-6500 ext. 229
or click the below link

Upper Body Seminar
Grand Rapids, MI
See details in shop tab


Manual Therapy to Eliminate Multiple
Nerve Compression Patterns of Upper/Lower Body
Dallas, TX - See shop tab to register

Five Day Intensive -40CE
Falls Church, VA
Register in the shop tab - you can also register to just take the upper or lower portion if you cannot make all five days

Colorado AMTA 
Please click link below for
details and to register!

A Spanish Fiesta Awaits! 
Scan the QR Code at the top of this page for details

Kinetic Chain Patterns for Complicated Shoulder Conditions
Olympia, WA - Register in the shop tab


Elite Sports Therapy
Dallas, TX
See shop tab to register

Five Day Intensive 
Tampa, FL
You can register for just the upper or lower 
portion also if you cannot attend all five days
Please see the shop tab for info and registration

Nerve - Upper/Lower
Anchorage, Alaska 

Five Day Intensive, Syracuse NY
please see the shop tab to register
You can also register for upper portion
or lower portion if you cannot make full five day
of classes.  

Sept 29-Oct 1
MTAA Conference

Omaha NE - Elite Sports Therapy
Please go to shop tab for registration and info


Five Day Intensive
Dallas/Ft. Worth
Information and registration 
is in the shop tab - You can also take the Upper or Lower
seminar portion without taking the full five day - see the 
shop tab to register for individual seminar. 

29-Nov 4th - ITALY RETREAT! Details to follow

Quick Manual Therapy Techniques
Memphis, TN - To register or for more info 
click the shop tab link above

Seminar Overview

Clinical, Hands on Education that get’s you the information you need!

Orthopedic Massage:  This total system of assessments, special orthopedic testing, multiple-disciplinary and multiple-modality treatment, along with precise client self care protocols will facilitate myoskeletal alignment and eliminate pain and injuries throughout the body.  It will also optimize athletic performance, taking your practice to a level you never imagined.

Our Courses 

Integrated Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Massage for  Upper Body Conditions

Based on revolutionary clinical research, participants will learn new techniques that will forever change the way they approach myofascial, trigger point, and tendon pain. These innovative structurally oriented routines, offer pain-free multi-modality methods for achieving immediate results from the following clinical conditions: Low back pain, SI joint, dysfunction, disc compression, bulging discs, sciatica, rotator cuff injuries, shoulder impingement, bursitis, pectoralis minor strains, bicipital tendinosis, rhomboid pain, thoracic outlet, cervical sprains and strains, whiplash, atlas / axis & C1/C2 mobilization, migraine headaches, medial and lateral epicondyle pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, trigger finger, and joint arthritis. Ground-breaking Frozen Shoulder and Hip Capsule Adhesion techniques will highlight this dynamic interactive workshop. This incredible multimedia presentation, consisting of assessments, treatments, and client self care for chronic pain and sports injuries, will facilitate permanent results; even in the most complicated clinical conditions.

Integrated Manual Therapy and Orthopedic Massage for Lower Body Conditions

Participants will use modalities such as functional assessment, myofascial release, posturology, neuromuscular therapy, scar tissue immobilization, myoskeletal alignment, P.N.F. stretching and strengthening in a very precise order.  This unique presentation will address the clinical approach to assessment, treatment and rehabilitation of the spine and pelvis.  This unique multidisciplinary approach will eliminate even the most complicated pain conditions in the lower extremity immediately and permanently. Lower Body Conditions addressed are; Low Back Pain, Sciatica, SI Joint Pain, Frozen Hips, Bulging Discs, Patella femoral Pain, Patella Tendinosis, Chondromalacia, IT Band Friction Syndrome, Fixated Posterior Fibular Head Pain, Abnormal Knee Rotation, Medial & Lateral Collateral Ligament Sprains, Medial and Lateral Meniscus Tears, ACL & PCL Sprains, Hamstring Strains, Popliteal Pain, Plantaris Strains, plantarfasciitis, Achilles tendinosis, posterior 

Weekend Seminars – 3 days – 20 CEU (when taking during a five day)
When taken on a SAT/SUN - 16 CEU

Extensive hands on training in 2 parts:

  • Upper Body and Pelvic Stabilization
  • Lower Body and Pelvic Stabilization

Our Week long Seminars – Five Day Intensives 40 CEU

In addition to all conditions listed in the upper and lower body seminars, there is 30% more advanced training. This includes more detailed Posturology, Anatomy Trains (as originated by Tom Myers), Myoskeletal Alignments and Structural Balance Techniques and Elite Sports Therapy (beyond basic sports massage. 

These seminars can be taken in any order. 

You can also take the Upper Portion or Lower Portion Individually during a five day if you are not able to attend all five days. 

Manual Therapy to Eliminate Nerve Compression Patterns
of the Upper Body

State of the art anatomy and nerve graphics will allow manual therapists to look inside the human body. Starting with the brain and spinal cord, therapists will use positional release, muscle energy techniques, and soft tissue balancing protocols to address OA & C1-C2 fixations, cervical kyphosis (military neck), spinal stenosis patterns, stuck facet joints, and treat sprains and strains throughout the upper body. Nerve tests include: Spurling Test: spinal nerve compression; Eden’s Test: costo-clavicular syndrome; Adson’s Test: scalene and first rib involvement ; Wright Abduction Test: pectoralis minor involvement; Tests to identify Cubital Tunnel and Guyon’s Canal (ulnal tunnel) conditions; Test for Bicipital Aponeurosis tendinosis: median nerve scarring; Pronator Teres Test: median nerve entrapment; and Tests for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome including the Tinnel’s Test, Phalen’s Test, and Tethered Median Nerve tests. Complicated shoulder capsular adhesions will also be addressed, and home care retraining will include spinal decompression, nerve glides and nerve tensioning protocols.

Manual Therapy to Eliminate 
Nerve Compression Patterns of the Lower Body

State of the art anatomy and nerve graphics will allow manual therapists to look inside the human body. The Weber-Barstow Maneuver, and Supine to Sits Test will evaluate for functional versus anatomical leg length discrepancies. Pelvic stabilization will use positional release, muscle energy techniques, and muscle balancing protocols to address sacral torsion patterns, iliosacral upslips, joint capsular patterns, femoral nerve compression, and normal muscle firing patterns. Therapists will level the sacral base, and release the Sacrotuberous ligament for sciatic nerve pain. The Straight Leg Test and Braggard’s Test will identify L5/ SI bulges or herniated discs. The Slump Test will identify hamstring strains or adductor strains that scar down the Sciatic Nerve. Tibial Torsions and Fixated Fibular Head Conditions will be corrected, by releasing the biceps femoris muscle, to address the Tibial and Fibular Nerve Entrapments. Manual therapists will also evaluate and release Tarasal Tunnel and Morton’s Neuroma.  Home care retraining will include nerve glides and nerve tensioning protocols.

Quick Manual Therapy Techniques for Musculoskeletal Pain Relief - NEWEST COURSE
This new course is based on 33 years teaching Integrated Manual Therapy across the globe to Chiropractors, Physical Therapists, Osteopaths, Athletic Trainers, and Massage Therapists. This class will teach manual therapists how to treat the most common contributions for musculoskeletal pain for each body area in less than 5 minutes. The course takes the highlights of the 11 different classes taught by James Waslaski and gives you his top 3 techniques to quickly address Cervical Pain, Shoulder Pain, Low Back and Hip Pain, Knee Pain. Therapists will be taught assessment and clinical reasoning to allow them to quickly and easily choose the most precise manual therapy techniques to eliminate joint pain, ligament pain, muscle imbalance pain, trapped nerves, muscle tendon injuries and scar tissue pain throughout the body.

Kinetic Chain Patterns for Complicated Shoulder Conditions

There is clinical evidence that a huge contribution to shoulder pain comes from prior injuries or surgeries (scars) and musculoskeletal imbalances throughout the entire body.  Fascial lines of tension can cause the entire body to compensate. Without doing Total Body Balancing Techniques and treating scars that have accumulated over a life time, the shoulder symptoms usually return. Therapists will evaluate the stirrup spring system in the ankle responsible for “Ascending Syndromes” that work their way up into the knee, hip, spine, shoulder, and neck. Therapist will also correct tibial torsion patterns in the knee, along with iliosacral torsions and resultant ascending roto-scoliosis of the lumbar spine.  If uncorrected, this can lead to ascending kyphosis of the thoracic spine, and resultant Atlanto-occipital joint compression. After treating scars, and doing total body balancing, manual therapists will evaluate and treat shoulder impingent, bursitis, bicipital tendinosis, rotator cuff injuries, and thoracic outlet. The highlight of this class will be new clinical studies and techniques that will revolutionize the treatment of advanced stage adhesive capsulitis, known as “Frozen Shoulder.”

Kinetic Chain Patterns for Complicated Knee Conditions

Manual Therapists will thoroughly understand why over 90% of knee pain comes from the foot and hip. Thorough Gait Analysis, Functional Movement Screening, and thorough Orthopedic Assessment, this seminar will show therapists how a high arch or flat foot will cause the loss of the normal stirrup spring system. Therapists will understand the biomechanics of both open and closed chain kinetic foot strike. This ascending syndrome can cause multiple variations in tibial and sacral torsion patterns, and can ascend into roto-scoliosis of the lumbar spine and compensatory scoliosis and kyphosis of the thoracic spine, locking down the OA joint in the neck. Therapists will assess and treat the following complicated knee conditions: tibial torsions; ACL, PCL, MCL and LCL injuries; meniscus tears; IT band pain; patellar tendinosis; pes anserinus tendinosis; bursitis; patellar tracking; stuck fibular head pain; fibular and tibial nerve pain; excess supination and over-pronation of the foot; compensatory OA joint fixations and sacral torsions; distal hamstring and plantaris strains; and popliteal pain. Therapists will also learn to assess for total body joint and muscle lesions. Based on new research, therapists will know why vacu-therapies (cupping) must replace foam rollers for IT band release, rectus femoris release, and releasing the retinaculum of the knee.

Our Pricing

Weekend seminars - $350

Five Day Intensives - $699 

Certification Program format is:

16 Hour Lower Body Class
16 Hour Upper Body Class
40 Hour 5 Day Intensives OR two 40 Hour Five Day Classes in lieu of the upper/lower classes
28 Case Studies