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Teaching Assistants

How Do I Become a Teaching Assistant?

Teaching Assistant (TA) Prerequisites:

1. Take two 5-Day seminars at your own expense.

2. Take and pass the Orthopedic Massage Certification Exam with a score of at least 85.

3. You need to send a resume and a biography that includes how you are using this work; with at least one testimony from a client to:

4. You need recommendations from "Upper Level" TA's at one of the above seminars.

5. You need to prove yourself as a TA at a seminar- students will evaluate your performance in their evaluation forms.

6. You need to participate as a TA in a minimum of 1 seminar per year to remain on the TA list.

7. All travel expenses including lodging and meals are the sole responsibility of the TA.

8. You will receive CEU credits for each seminar you attend as a TA. Thank You For Your Interest In Becoming a Part Of Our Team As A "Dedicated Life Long Learner"