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Advancements in Event and Clinical Sports Massage

$ 25.95

Category : Literature

This book, by James Waslaski, prepares massage therapists to be an integral part of a sports medicine team. "Click" on the picture or title for details.

This book was written from a collaboration of sports massage experts nationwide to address the national standards in sports massage and to prepare massage therapists to be an integral part of the sports medicine team. Originally used to teach a 100 hour clinical sports massage program in Tampa, Florida, this book is now used by schools nationwide to teach event and clinical sports massage techniques. Many graduates of James' programs are currently employed full time by colleges and professional sports teams as a result of the valuable information in this outstanding text. Bulk discounts are available to schools and organizations.


Chapter 1. Preconditions and History of Sports Massage

Chapter 2. Introduction to Sports Massage

Chapter 3. Physiological Effects of Sports Massage

Chapter 4. Sports Massage and Timing

Chapter 5. Introduction to Physical Assessment

Chapter 6. Injury Pathology

Chapter 7. Functional Range of Motion & Movement with Techniques

Chapter 8. Flexibility Training

Chapter 9. Strength Training and Conditioning

Chapter 10. Heat and Cold Applications

Chapter 11. Common Soft Tissue Complaints


"James Waslaski is the 'cutting edge' author and teacher of chronic pain and sports injury techniques. This personable, high profile, international presenter, has made clinical sports massage available to everyone in a simplistic, but highly organized manner"

Aaron Mattes~Kinesiotherapist

Author~Active Isolated Stretching